<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %> f r e e k f l y - g a l l e r y

sebastian big-ways, april 5-8th, 2002

well, the freefly training center has done it again. another great event at sebastian to end the winter season. check it out......big ways.........if you look close at those clouds you can see my shadow in the rainbow tracking off......it was very cool at the time....maybe you had to be there.........anyway.......scrolling down you can see misser and thomas battle in the door......a bunch of dives that were cool, but difficult.....sit, headdown, sit, headdown, etc... all linked......good fun! the just to spite thomas....misser goes out right with him and beats him to the formation......gotta love a little healthy competition.......and thomas found me under canopy again......and i guess dr. brown found his canopy in the landing area and took a little snooze........but not sure what he's doing with someone's bridle in the packing area ;-) enjoy!

<% ListFolderContents(Server.MapPath("1")) %> <% ListFolderContents(Server.MapPath("2")) %>

<% sub ListFolderContents(path) dim fs, folder, file, item, url set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set folder = fs.GetFolder(path) 'Display the target folder and info. ' *************I'm commenting this OUT ' Response.Write("
  • " & folder.Name & " - " _ ' & folder.Files.Count & " files, ") ' if folder.SubFolders.Count > 0 then ' Response.Write(folder.SubFolders.Count & " directories, ") ' end if ' Response.Write(Round(folder.Size / 1000) & " KB total." _ ' & "
  • " & vbCrLf) Response.Write("" & vbCrLf) ' *************I'm commenting this OUT ' ********************************************************************* 'Display a list of sub folders. Uncomment the three lines below ' ********************************************************************* ' for each item in folder.SubFolders ' ListFolderContents(item.Path) ' next ' ********************************************************************* 'Display a list of files. ' ********************************************************************* for each item in folder.Files url = MapURL(item.path) Response.Write("
    " _ & "
    " & vbCrLf) next Response.Write("" & vbCrLf) end sub function MapURL(path) dim rootPath, url ' ********************************************************************* 'Convert a physical file path to a URL for hypertext links. ' ********************************************************************* rootPath = Server.MapPath("/") url = Right(path, Len(path) - Len(rootPath)) MapURL = Replace(url, "\", "/") end function %>